Morocco Stars Travel

Visit Best Morocco Kasbhas and Ksour 2023

Visit Best Morocco-Kasbhas and Ksour 2023

Kasbhas In the Maghreb and in Iberia.

Kasbhas and Ksour of morocco, the Arabic phrase shape of kasbah regularly refers to a couple of structures in a keep, a citadel, or numerous constructions behind a protective wall.

The Arabic phrase was borrowed into Spanish as alcazaba, naming the equal constructing in Andalusia or Moorish Spain, into Portuguese as alcáçova, and into Catalan as alcassaba. A kasbah was once a vicinity for the local chief to live and a defense when a city used to be below attack.

A kasbah has excessive walls, commonly without windows. Sometimes, like in Tangiers, they had been built on hilltops so that they ought to be greater easily defended.

Some were positioned near the entrance to harbors. Having a kasbah built was a sign of wealth of some households in the city. Colonization began in 1830 in northern Algeria, with many kasbahs lasting over a century.

Visit The word kasbah may  also be used to describe the historical part of a city, in which case it has the identical that means as a medina quarter. Some of the outstanding examples of kasbah as an historic town is the Casbah of Algiers and the Casbah of Dellys. <yoastmark class=In Turkish and Urdu the word kasaba refers to a settlement larger than a village however smaller than a city; in short, a town. In Serbo-Croatian, kasaba (Cyrillic: касаба) signifies a potential undeveloped, provincial small town. Meanwhile, in India, a qasbah is characterized by the prevalence of Muslim households of varying social status.


Kasbhas should be visited In Morocco:

  • Telouet Kasbah

is a Kasbah along the former route of the caravans from the Sahara over the Atlas Mountains to Marrakech. The kasbah was the seat of the El Glaoui family’s power, thus sometimes also called the Palace of Glaoui. Its construction started in 1860 and it was further expanded in later years.

  • The Kasbah of the Udayas ,

also spelled Kasbah of the Oudaias or of the Oudayas, is a kasbah (citadel) in Rabat, Morocco. It is located at the mouth of the Bou Regreg river, opposite Salé, and adjacent to the old medina of Rabat. It is listed, along with other sites in Rabat, as a UNESCO World Heritage.

  • Tifoultoute Kasbah in Ouarzazte: 

Built in the 17th century and expanded by the Glaoui clan in the 18th, this hilltop kasbah is now a private restaurant open until midnight. You can dine at tables spread throughout the building. While only the smaller 18th-century part is open to visitors, it’s worth the trip for its beautifully tiled rooms.

  •  Taourirt Kasbah 

This kasbah has a history dating back to the 17th century when it was built by the Imzwarn family. Later, in the 19th century, the Glaoui family took over and expanded it. In the late 19th century, the kasbah controlled a strategic meeting point of river valleys, including the Draa and Dadès, on Saharan trade routes. Thami El Glaoui, from the Glaoui family, was the Pasha of Marrakesh during French colonial rule in 20th-century Morocco.

  • Tamnougalt  kasbah

in the Anti Atlas Mountains, and located in the Draa River valley in Morocco, some 75 kilometers south of Ouarzazate. The village is close to Agdz and has a famous kasbah. The Jbel Kissane rises to the north dominating the landscape. It is the former capital of the Mezguita region and residence of former caïds. Its name means ‘meeting point’ in Tachelhit.

  • Amredil Kasbha:

Amridil till today is a will minted, nevertheless managed via the grand-children of the unique builder MHAMED NACIRI EL HASKOURI. Son of Ahmed Bennacer the founder of Zaouia Naciria in Tamgroute. The Kasbah was once constructed in the 17 century as an Islamic school, know in Morocco as Zaouia to train Koran. Today Amridil is a must-see landmark in Ouarzazate. You’ll locate a guide who can stroll you thru the records of the Kasbah, and exhibit many historical equipment used in common each day life."kasbhaIf you are visiting to Merzouga desert, it’s superb to stopover for a rapid end to go to of the Kasbah. However, if you are planning to spend the day playing Skoura oasis, there is lots of locations to visit, walking, or even through using horses.

kasr (Ksour) is the North African term for “fortified village,”

from Arabic qaṣar (قَصَر), itself possibly loaned from Latin castrum. The term generally refers to a Berber fortified village. Morocco Kasbhas and Ksour. Morocco Kasbhas and Ksour. Morocco Kasbhas and Ksour
Ksour in the Maghreb typically consist of attached houses, often having collective ghorfa (granaries) and other structures like a mosque, bath, oven, and shops. Ksour / igherman are widespread among the oasis populations of North Africa. Ksars are sometimes situated in mountain locations to make defense easier; they often are entirely within a single, continuous wall. The building material of the entire structure is normally adobe, or cut stone and adobe. The idea of the ksar as a granary is a confused notion of two things, the granary itself, found within a ksar, and the ksar, which is a village, normally with granaries within it. Ksars form one of the main manifestations of Berber architecture."Visit

This heritage includes historical sites like the remnants of Sijilmassa and the Mausoleum of Moulay Ali Cherif, along with several ksars (Ksar El Fida, Ksar Ouled Abdelhalim, Ksar Abouaam, Maadid, Ksar Meski).

For desert and oasis enthusiasts, Errachidia serves as a gateway to the sand dunes near the charming village of Merzouga, the Tifounacine site, the upper Gheris Valley, the palm groves of Goulmima, Ziz, Jorf, Tourong, and the vibrant blue springs of Meski.

Ksar Oulad Abdelhalim

once the residence of the regional advisor to the sultan, dates back to the 14th century. It’s quite extensive, housing not only a palace but also areas for nobility and slave quarters. Today, due to neglect, it’s challenging to discern the layout. However, remnants of a landscaped courtyard hint at the nobles’ living space, and a public hammam now occupies the former slave quarters.

Despite its condition, the ksar still exhibits signs of life, with deteriorating sections adjacent to better-preserved ones, featuring temporary structures and others in a more satisfactory state. The landscape is dotted with everyday elements like clotheslines and water wells.

Kasr Al Fida

This ksar was originally conceived as a palace and commercial caravan checkpoint, and is much more recent than the previous one (17th century). Its noble residence has fewer rooms,
but each room is larger and more majestic with a large foyer, dwelling area, hammam and garden.
Morocco Kasbahs and Ksour are both same material of building.